Recently, I have been feeling the Lord calling me to write. I had no idea how He wanted me to do this, however, seeing as I had no computer. I used to have a computer, but let's just say that milk and Mac laptops, while alliterated, are not actually friends. In fact, one will kill the other. Suffice it to say, I was without a medium to get my thoughts down in a satisfactory manner. Oh sure, I could have used pen and paper, but it just isn't fast enough, and I'm not sure what to do with it afterwards. So, knowing God wanted me to write, and knowing I had no computer, I began to pray. Basically I told God I needed a computer with something akin to a word processor and access to the internet. And it would be great if it was free. That's really all I needed. Also, asking for a MacBook Pro (for free) seemed greedy. So I just told Him I'd take anything. I'll admit, it was a half-hearted prayer. Mostly because I saw no reason why God should actually GIVE me a computer. I knew He could...but believing He would ? I don't think so. However, that quiet nudge to write wouldn't go away. So I kept praying.
Fast forward a few weeks. I'm sitting in my dad's office, pouring out my frustration over the fact that I feel I need to write, but I have no computer! He sits there for awhile and says, "What about that old laptop sitting in the backroom?" My reply was probably something akin to horror. "Old" and "laptop" in the same sentence usually aren't great. However, I was a beggar, and by default, could not also be a chooser. So I trudged back there and pulled down a huge, black, ugly, ancient, dusty contraption that I'm sure was "state of the art" at some point in the past 15 years. Ok, it wasn't that bad. But it was definitely not a Mac. I dusted it off and noticed it had an internet card. Definitely helpful. I lugged it back to my dad's office, plugged it in, and Voila! It actually worked!!! It was at this point in time I remembered those pathetic un-believing prayers I'd been sending up. I'm pretty sure it was then that God surely saw that look on my face that communicated a mix of wonder and complete stupification. God had given me a computer. A computer that was pretty much only capable of internet access and word processing. I'm not exaggerating. If I try anything else, it uses too much disk space and almost dies. I love it. I love it because it shows that God had answered my prayer specifically. He had called me to do something, and even when I didn't believe He would, He provided a way for me to fulfill that calling. In fact, it is the computer I am using to write this post. Pretty cool, huh?
Our God is so good! Don't be afraid to come before Him with your needs and requests. He already has everything all worked out. He's just waiting for you get there so He can blow your mind wide open!