Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Uncomfortable Verbiage

I've heard it said that writers thrive on their own. I'm inclined to agree. I love to be alone. That's not to say that I do not enjoy being with people, but I only enjoy it if there's a few. And as long as they are someone I'm comfortable with. If I don't really know you, or there are a lot of people that I'm not familiar with...well, then we have a problem. You see, I am a girl, and as such I am obsessively insecure and I feel the need to be perceived in a certain way(i.e, pretty, smart, funny, nice-smelling, not an idiot). So naturally, I think that if I tell you as much about myself as is physically possible inside of a 1 minute, 45 second time frame you will now have the requisite information needed in order to judge me correctly. Yep, I'm an "over-sharer".  If you have been on the receiving end of this...I apologize. I can't stop it. It just happens. I will be sitting there, growing more and more insecure by the second until...BAM! My brain shuts down and my mouth takes over. Some of you know this by experience. If you are one of the lucky ones who have been spared this fate, let me break it down for you in this week's episode of Adventures in Uncomfortable Verbal Overflow.
    I was asked, this past week, a simple question that required, at maximum, a two-sentence reply. I was desperately trying to control my You-Need-To-Know-This impulse, but I could feel my ears going red and I knew the moment of verbal-abundance was imminent. Sure enough, for some reason, my mouth had the idea that I should fill this nice person in on the last five years of my life. Why, you ask? I honestly have no earthly idea. The worst part is that I can see that look on their face that says "I don't remember asking for this information. Why is she telling me this? Wait...what did I ask her?" I then realize that my brain is dozing and frantically try to find the off-button for my jaw while attempting to shut down the flow of data. The problem being, I'm in the middle of a story, and when I just stop talking they become even more confused because now, I've become completely silent and more awkward, and they probably think they've missed a part of the conversation, but they really haven't, and now everyone is uncomfortable and unsure of what to say and it's just a mess.
The kicker is that when I determine to just shut up and let everyone else do the talking, I walk away feeling so much less of an idiot. I like feeling like a non-idiot. It's re-affirming.
And to anyone who would like to piously quote the verse stating, "A fool uttereth his whole mind", or point out that, yes, this post is in fact another example of my humiliating disorder...Please don't.  I would inevitably become insecure and be forced to correct your assumption by telling you about my first pet fish, Wilbur, or something else you really don't need to know.